Sofa Evint Synthetic RattanSofa Evint is made of aluminum frame, synthetic wicker rattan, with a large size so it is suitable for the living room, on the arm we make the design more open and look lighter.
Sofa Evint : 250x88x62
Sofa Set Andreas Synthetic RattanWe design this sofa with a very minimalist, with a sofa that is only enough to be occupied by two people and in the company with 2 pcs Single Chair. Suitable for home-themed minimalist because this andreas sofa will not take up excess space. Made of sturdy wooden frames and synthetic wicker rattan.
Andreas Single: 72x74x72
Andreas Sofa: 141x74x72
Table: 85x46x48
Loundry Rectangular Basket Synthetic RattanSynthetic Rattan Loundry Basket, as a medium for storing goods or the most widely used for dirty clothes. Widely used in homes, hotels and villas. made of aluminum frame with synthetic wicker rattan so it will be resistant to water.
Loundry Basket: 60x35x45
Eta Stool A Synthetic Rattan Dining ChairEta Stool has a small design, especially on the side of the chair with a mini size consisting of 3 seats. Can be used for outdoor as it uses aluminum frames and synthetic wicker rattan.
Eta Single: 34x40x68
Eta Table: 60x60x74
Shanghai Synthetic Rattan SofaFrame Almunium, Synthetic Rattan Wicker, Can Request color webbing on request.
Shanghai sofa : 119x84x84
Shanghai Single : 65x84x84
Chairs Relax and Mechanical Hydraulic PoofKursi ini didesain mekanis dan elastis, pada bagian sandaran tersedia hydrolik mekanis sehingga bisa di sesuaikan dengan selera. Pada bagian kaki tersedia poof agar bisa digunakan untuk kaki saat ingin duduk santai disini. Terbuat dari frame alumunium dan anyaman rotan sintetis.
Single Chair : 70x68x92
Poof : 57x54x38
Cora Armchair Synthetic RattanThe Cora Armchair seating area is more spacious and comfortable to occupy, perfect for family relaxation, after a long day of exhausting couch it is very comfortable to sit on. The color of the mushroom becomes a favorite choice for this type of chair.
Cora Chair: 73x82x79
Synthetic Rattan WheelWe design this special wheel chair, we use the rear wheels on the legs of the wheels, while in the depanya we deliberately do not give it to balance, on the front holder we make elastic so it can function as needed. This chair is made of Aluminum Frame with synthetic wicker.
Wheelchair: 63x107x100
Lantaier Kotan Plat Rattan Synthetic WidthWith wicker box and wide plate material, for the holder on the head can be adjusted because the bottom can be moved in accordance with keiinginan. Frame made of aluminum suitable for outdoor use.
Lounger: 40x40x45
Mineral Bottle Water BasketThe Mineral Bottle Water Basket is very safe when used as a beverage, not rusty and waterproof. Made from synthetic wicker rattan, fill 9 glasses of drinking water and already available the place of straws. Can be ordered for a wide selection of colors and sizes
Mineral Water Shelves: 27x27x30
Jar Woven ApplesWe provide a jar made of synthetic wicker rattan, shaped like an apple to be more funny when placed into decorative sweetener home. This jar is very safe to use as a storage medium for snacks or candy.
Rattan jar: 20x20x20
Laisa Lounger Seat Rattan SyntheticLaisa Lounger uses aluminum frames and synthetic wicker rattan, resistant to hot, cold, and rainy weather. Has been widely used in various outdoor hotels and villa oudoor become the main choice.
Laisa Longer: 185x90x83
Beach Chair S Synthetic Rattan LoungerDesain dari S Lounger ini kami buat sedemikian simpel agar terlihat lebih etnik dan mudah menyatu dengan suasana lingkungan, tidak teralu tinggi dan tidak terlalu tebal pada frame alumuniumnya sehingga menjadi kelebihan dari S Lounger ini. Mudah untuk dipindahkan karena mempunyai beban yang ringan, terbuat dari anyaman rotan sintetis dengan anyaman rapat.
S Lounger : 70x190x70
Table : 40x40x45
Copa Lounger Synthetic RattanCopa Longer has been widely used in various hotels, villas and some housing. With frames made of aluminum and synthetic wicker rattan so it will be resistant to various weather.
Minimalist Sofa Marce Rotan SyntheticMarce chair is made of lightweight steel material so it is not too heavy when want to move it but will remain strong and sturdy, for the weaving we use synthetic rattan material that is resistant to various weather. On the part between the arm and the holder we intentionally made such webbing, so that air circulation can enter as well as the shape of the chair becomes not too stiff.
Marse Chai: 86x78x81
A synthetic Lazy Rattan Relax ChairIncluded in the rocking chair but we made it functional to be able to sit and can be a bed, this lazy chair to be one place when berditirahat. Made of synthetic wicker and aluminum frame.
Emil Terrace Set Synthetic RattanThis classic modern-style chair, a slightly open form of grip this into the added value of this chair. Frame made of sturdy wood and synthetic wicker rattan is only recommended for indoor.
Single Chair: 66x60x88
Sofa Billymoon Synthetic RattanIt has been widely used for hotels, villas, cafes and residential homes. It is suitable placed in the waiting room or can to fill the corner space on the dwelling. Made of aluminum frames and synthetic wicker rattan.
Fany Terrace Set Synthetic RattanSeat is triangular with woven rattan synthetic flat rattan material, Frame made of alumunium suitable for use on outdoor.
Fanny Chair: 76x79x77
Fanny Table: 63x70x27
Jengky Rattan Terrace Synthetic ChairsFor minimalist style house has been widely used Jengky terrace chair, with a shape that is not too large, available in various colors such as white, brown, red, yellow and black. for bearing holder you can choose as you wish. Made of aluminum frames and synthetic wicker rattan can be placed for outdoor or indoor.
Jengky Chair: 72x67x84
Table Jenky: 52x52x52
Terrace Andro Rotan Synthetic TerraceWooden frames, synthetic wicker rattan, not recommended for outdoor, can be placed in a canal or balcony with a canopy protected from direct rain.
Sigle Chair: 78x68x91
Table Andro: 45x45x43
Paulo Rattan Synthetic Terrace ChairActually there are 2 seats design Paulo and this is one of them with a lower back, so it can display a wider impression on the room of your house. Almunium Frame, synthetic wicker rattan.
Single Chair: 64x68x89
Table Psulo: 52x52x47
Donut Terrace Synthetic Rattan TerraceRound-shaped chairs like donuts, rattan frames with synthetic wicker rattan, suitable for terrace or backyard a little covered with canopy so as not directly exposed to rain.
Single Chair: 75x69x84
Table Donut: 52x52x52
Synthetic Rattan Trapezium BasketMade from synthetic wicker rattan with several color options, easy to carry anywhere, can be stacked, very safe for storage media, color and plastic material is not easily damaged and faded.
35x25x10 cm
Sammy Dining SetFor a minimalist home occupancy is perfect if using the dining table sammy dining set is, in addition to not consuming excess space this seat can be placed or in the stack anywhere, with a lightweight construction would be very easy to move. Stylish modern chair, currently has been widely utilized in some minimalist restaurants. Frame made of Aluminum and synthetic wicker rattan, will certainly add an elegant impression in the placement.
Single Chair: 59x71x80
Table Samy: 107x107x75
Viper Chair Synthetic RattanMade of Alumunium Frame with design resembles the letter S, for the foot we made with a little load backward, and between the holder we create an empty space whose function can later be maximized for foot space while sitting relaxed in this chair. S Viper seats can be a dining chair, patio chairs or lounge chairs, in some places have been combined.
S Viper Single Chair: 53x64x94
Sofa Gentong Ruji Synthetic RattanChair with a circle shape or can be called also with a gentong chair, this is one of our unique collection, with a circular shape that further reinforces the character of this chair, Can put the living room, terrace or outdoor space is highly recommended for a minimalist home style.
Single Chair: 88x85x74
Sofa Chair: 145x85x74
Tony ChairDengan kontruksi yang ringan Tony chair ini sangat mudah dipindahkan dimanapun, Frame terbuat dari alumunium dengan anyaman rotan sintetis yang hanya di bagian dudukan dan sandaran, desain kursi ini terlihat sangat simple namun mempunyai kenyamanan yang baik.
Honza Dining Chair In Of WhiteHonza Dining Chair we recommend for your relax room, with soft material of this webbing will be a comfortable place to sit. It is not recommended to put in an outdoor location because the frame material used is made of sturdy wooden construction.
With the backrest and holder longer than the standard seats usually, this is the advantage of this chair Honza because it can be much more comfortable when sitting relaxed in this chair.
Honza Chair: 46x43x105
Dining Chairs and Dining Table JackMade of sturdy Wood Frame, with synthetic wicker rattan in brownish black with a blend of red, so will add to the atmosphere firmly dining room. For this Dining Chairs we design with various colors on anyamanya so that can be combined with the condition of your residential environment.
Single Chair : 46x61x103
Table Chair : 85x80x77
Tulip Synthetic Rattan SofaFrame Almunium, Synthetic Rattan Matting Shaped Stars and Sun
Available in many colors, most preferably white, brown and honey
The higher underside is easy to clean
Size 128 x 70 x 75 cm
Hawai Dining SetThis Hawai Dining Set Rattan Outdoor is inspired from European designs, very suitable for outdoor locations, has been widely used for hotels, cafes and villas. With synthetic wicker rattan and Alumunium Frame so resistant to various weather in various parts of the world.
Look at the shape carefully, with a slightly widened arm
Chair 62 x 61 x 87 cm
Table 111 x 111 x 75 cm
Tray Basket MiniThis accessories equipment has been widely used in various outdoor equipment for storage media, With a small space is very easy to carry anywhere. Another thing that is basketball tray color will not fade so it will look like usual.
This product is a favorite of accessories and has been widely used by some households as well as being an accessory in store equipment, salon and hote.
Size : 20x15x7