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PT Sembilan Benua sells various types of furniture both Outdoor and Indoor equipped with the latest design collections of the highest quality synthetic rattan materials and the latest models.

The following is a collection of synthetic rattan products that we sell with a variety of colors and models that you can adjust to your home occupancy


PT Sembilan Benua sells various types of furniture both Outdoor and Indoor equipped with the latest design collections of the highest quality synthetic rattan materials and the latest models.

The following is a collection of synthetic rattan products that we sell with a variety of colors and models that you can adjust to your home occupancy

Palma SunbedPalma Sunbed
Palma Sunbed is suitable for outdoors such as pool areas, garden, terrace or patio, gazebo, and so on. This item equipped with a quick-dry fabric canopy that will protect you from sunlight. Besides, it is also quick to dry if we left this item outside when raining.
Sofa Enhoven Minimalist Synthetic RattanSofa Enhoven Minimalist Synthetic Rattan
Sofa Enhoven made of aluminum frame and synthetic rattan weaving. This item is all-weather resistant that will be very suitable for outdoors or even indoors. The design of this sofa is very minimalist, we made the arm look-alike tulip flowers bloom that gives the sofa look more artistic.

Loveset Enhovent: 130x77x65
Sofa Evint Synthetic RattanSofa Evint Synthetic Rattan
Sofa Evint is made of aluminum frame, synthetic wicker rattan, with a large size so it is suitable for the living room, on the arm we make the design more open and look lighter.

Sofa Evint : 250x88x62
Sofa Set Andreas Synthetic RattanSofa Set Andreas Synthetic Rattan
We design this sofa with a very minimalist, with a sofa that is only enough to be occupied by two people and in the company with 2 pcs Single Chair. Suitable for home-themed minimalist because this andreas sofa will not take up excess space. Made of sturdy wooden frames and synthetic wicker rattan.

Andreas Single: 72x74x72
Andreas Sofa: 141x74x72
Table: 85x46x48
Shanghai Synthetic Rattan SofaShanghai Synthetic Rattan Sofa
Frame Almunium, Synthetic Rattan Wicker, Can Request color webbing on request.

Shanghai sofa : 119x84x84
Shanghai Single : 65x84x84
Chairs Relax and Mechanical Hydraulic PoofChairs Relax and Mechanical Hydraulic Poof
Kursi ini didesain mekanis dan elastis, pada bagian sandaran tersedia hydrolik mekanis sehingga bisa di sesuaikan dengan selera. Pada bagian kaki tersedia poof agar bisa digunakan untuk kaki saat ingin duduk santai disini. Terbuat dari frame alumunium dan anyaman rotan sintetis.

Single Chair : 70x68x92
Poof : 57x54x38
Minimalist Sofa Marce Rotan SyntheticMinimalist Sofa Marce Rotan Synthetic
Marce chair is made of lightweight steel material so it is not too heavy when want to move it but will remain strong and sturdy, for the weaving we use synthetic rattan material that is resistant to various weather. On the part between the arm and the holder we intentionally made such webbing, so that air circulation can enter as well as the shape of the chair becomes not too stiff.

Marse Chai: 86x78x81
A synthetic Lazy Rattan Relax ChairA synthetic Lazy Rattan Relax Chair
Included in the rocking chair but we made it functional to be able to sit and can be a bed, this lazy chair to be one place when berditirahat. Made of synthetic wicker and aluminum frame.

Sofa Billymoon Synthetic RattanSofa Billymoon Synthetic Rattan
It has been widely used for hotels, villas, cafes and residential homes. It is suitable placed in the waiting room or can to fill the corner space on the dwelling. Made of aluminum frames and synthetic wicker rattan.

Sofa Gentong Ruji Synthetic RattanSofa Gentong Ruji Synthetic Rattan
Chair with a circle shape or can be called also with a gentong chair, this is one of our unique collection, with a circular shape that further reinforces the character of this chair, Can put the living room, terrace or outdoor space is highly recommended for a minimalist home style.

Single Chair: 88x85x74
Sofa Chair: 145x85x74
Tulip Synthetic Rattan SofaTulip Synthetic Rattan Sofa
Frame Almunium, Synthetic Rattan Matting Shaped Stars and Sun
Available in many colors, most preferably white, brown and honey
The higher underside is easy to clean

Size 128 x 70 x 75 cm
Byon Loveseat. This sofa has two seaters. Byon Loveseat made by high quality synthetic rattan with a sturdy aluminium frame. This item equipped with premium cushion and backrest that will give you a comfort feel you desire. It is suitable either for guest room or living room.
140 x 70 x 80 cm
Monami Rattan Lounge ChairMonami Rattan Lounge Chair
Seats with a very unique design, distinctive characteristics of other designs, comfort and seating position is very fitting for the chairs Terrace, Reading Room and Backyard House. Aluminum Synthetic Rattan Woven Frame.

Arm Chair 80 x 70 x 81
Table 57 X 57 X 52
Sofia Set Sofa Synthetic Rattan Sofia Set Sofa Synthetic Rattan
This sofa is perfect for the patio behind the house or room center , which made ​​backrest tilted backward to make this sofa is more gentle and suitable for leaning backward while watching tv and relax mingle with the family remove fatigue after working routines .

Left / Right Sofa 150 x 85 x 72 cm
Corner Table 75 x 75 x 45 cm
Coffee Table 55 x 99 x 42 cmm
Come and visit our showroom, you can see more of our collection directly, our staff will glad to help you find the product you are looking for
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