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PT Sembilan Benua sells various types of furniture both Outdoor and Indoor equipped with the latest design collections of the highest quality synthetic rattan materials and the latest models.

The following is a collection of synthetic rattan products that we sell with a variety of colors and models that you can adjust to your home occupancy


PT Sembilan Benua sells various types of furniture both Outdoor and Indoor equipped with the latest design collections of the highest quality synthetic rattan materials and the latest models.

The following is a collection of synthetic rattan products that we sell with a variety of colors and models that you can adjust to your home occupancy

Bistro Oval NaturalBistro Oval Natural
The uniqueness of this item is on the frame itself. We used different materials than other bistro series. This item used 100% natural Manau rattan that has a natural color. That will give a natural ambiance to the place where it will keep in.
Emerald Bistro ChairEmerald Bistro Chair
Emerald Bistro Chair. Inspired by popular dining chairs at restaurants or cafes in Paris. A traditional look will bring you back to the 90s. Suitable for indoors and outdoors. The unordinary design will show the identity of the place where this item will keep in.
Forest ChairForest Chair
Forest Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurants, cafes, or even at home. Its signature design will show the identity of your café or restaurant. It made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high-quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits either indoor or outdoor areas.
Monde ChairMonde Chair
Monde Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurants, cafes, or even at home. Its signature design will show the identity of your café or restaurant. It made by the combination of high-quality teak wood as a frame of the furniture and high-quality twisted synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item fits either indoors or outdoors.
Reefs Bistro Chair Reefs Bistro Chair
Reefs Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurants, cafes, or even at home. Its signature design will show the identity of your café or restaurant. It made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high-quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits either indoor or outdoor areas.
White Boney Bistro Chair White Boney Bistro Chair
White Boney Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurants, cafes, or even at home. Its signature design will show the identity of your café or restaurant. It made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high-quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits either indoor or outdoor areas.
Sapphire Bistro ChairSapphire Bistro Chair
Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurant, cafe, even at home. Made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits indoor or outdoor area.

Sky Bistro ChairSky Bistro Chair
Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurant, cafe, even at home. Made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits indoor or outdoor area.
Honey Bistro ChairHoney Bistro Chair
Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurant, cafe, even at home. Made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits indoor or outdoor area.
53 x 40 x 85 cm
Kare Rattan ChairKare Rattan Chair
Kare Chair made by a large synthetic rattan peel with bamboo texture. It is constructed with high quality wood frame and premium synthetic rattan woven. It is suitable for indoor used as a dining chair at home, café or restaurant.
Mawar Dining Chair RattanMawar Dining Chair Rattan
Mawar Dining Chair made by high quality synthetic rattan material. It used wood material for the frame of furniture. It makes the chair looks fancy and natural. We recommend this item for indoor only. It can be placed outdoor but it needs extra protection so that the chair has weather and termite resistant.
Bistro Rattan Chair MediumBistro Rattan Chair Medium
Bistro Chair medium series are suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurant, cafe, or even at home. Its signature design will show the identity of your café or restaurant. It made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits either indoor or outdoor area.
Deco Rattan Dining ChairDeco Rattan Dining Chair
Deco Dining Chair made by high quality synthetic rattan material. It used wood material for the frame of furniture. It makes the chair looks fancy and natural. We recommend this item for indoor only. It can be placed outdoor but it needs extra protection so that the chair has weather and termite resistant.
Rima Bar Stool Rima Bar Stool
Rima Bar Stool has a design particularly for bar, restaurant, or mini bar you have at home. It is designed with the upper legs as the common bar chair. It made by synthetic rattan with a sturdy aluminum frame. It is suitable for indoor or outdoor area.
40 x 51 x 100 cm
Bistro ChairBistro Chair
Bistro Chair is suitable to use as a dining chair at restaurant, cafe, even at home. Made by the combination of Natural Manau Rattan used as a frame of the furniture and high quality synthetic rattan for the weaving area. This item suits indoor or outdoor area.
53 x 40 x 85 cm
Rene Chair Single Rotan SyntheticRene Chair Single Rotan Synthetic
Rene Chair This single is made of aluminum frame so it will be resistant to various weather, in anyamanya using synthetic rattan material with woven lyrical model that makes this chair different from others. It is suitable place in the family relaxed room.

Rene Chair: 40x60x90
Betawi Rattan Chairs Rattan SyntheticBetawi Rattan Chairs Rattan Synthetic
The design on this betawi chair in anyamanya we use woven or spatial hollow-shaped, circular in the back to arm, frames made of aluminum and synthetic wicker rattan. Can be used for outdoor and indoor.

Betawi Single: 70x60x88
Leaf Dining Chair Natural RotanLeaf Dining Chair Natural Rotan
On the back we provide a leaf motif so that it will look like a painting, added with the lines on the side of the leaf, very suitable to add a classic atmosphere to the room, the frame is made of sturdy wooden frame and woven with natural rattan.

Synthetic Rattan WheelSynthetic Rattan Wheel
We design this special wheel chair, we use the rear wheels on the legs of the wheels, while in the depanya we deliberately do not give it to balance, on the front holder we make elastic so it can function as needed. This chair is made of Aluminum Frame with synthetic wicker.

Wheelchair: 63x107x100
Tony ChairTony Chair
Dengan kontruksi yang ringan Tony chair ini sangat mudah dipindahkan dimanapun, Frame terbuat dari alumunium dengan anyaman rotan sintetis yang hanya di bagian dudukan dan sandaran, desain kursi ini terlihat sangat simple namun mempunyai kenyamanan yang baik.

Honza Dining Chair In Of WhiteHonza Dining Chair In Of White
Honza Dining Chair we recommend for your relax room, with soft material of this webbing will be a comfortable place to sit. It is not recommended to put in an outdoor location because the frame material used is made of sturdy wooden construction.

With the backrest and holder longer than the standard seats usually, this is the advantage of this chair Honza because it can be much more comfortable when sitting relaxed in this chair.

Honza Chair: 46x43x105
Come and visit our showroom, you can see more of our collection directly, our staff will glad to help you find the product you are looking for
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